Companion Plants for Sage And What Not To Plant With Sage

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Using sage as a companion plant in the garden can provide you with many benefits. Sage can help attract pollinators and beneficial insects while repelling many harmful pests at the same time. This herb can also enhance the flavor of crops such as strawberries. In this article, we go over what are good companion plants for sage and what you should not plant with sage in the garden.

Sage is a common herb that many people plant in the garden or use it as a border in a flowerbed. But you can also plant this herb strategically by using it in companion planting. There are many crops that are common in home gardens that can benefit from sage being planted nearby.

While sage is often harvested before it flowers. Consider letting some of your sage plants flower during the year. Sage is very popular with pollinators. You can use sage as a way to attract more bees and butterflies to the garden and help pollinate your crops.

When planting sage in your garden always keep in mind that this is a perennial. So it will keep coming back. You don’t want to plant sage in an area that you are going to be tilling under each year. Using it as a border to your garden crop or flower bed can be a great way to use this herb without harming the plant for the long run.

Companion Plants for Sage

Good Companion Plants for Sage

  • Broccoli
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Carrots
  • Cauliflower
  • Kale
  • Kohlrabi
  • Lavender
  • Oregano
  • Rosemary
  • Strawberries
  • Tomaotes
  • Thyme

Members of the Brassica Family (Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts, Kale, Kohlrabi) benefit from sage growing nearby because of sage’s insect-repelling abilities.

Carrots benefit from sage as a companion crop due to the ability of sage to repel carrot rust flies. The strong odor of sage can also help keep other pests away because the smell helps mask the smell of the growing carrots.

Lavender, Rosemary, Oregano, and Thyme all are great complementary herbs that you can plant with sage. All of these herbs prefer drier soil and the same types of environments.

Strawberries, like other companion crops for sage, benefit from the sage repelling pests. Strawberries also can get a flavor boost from sage growing near them.

Tomatoes can be susceptible to many pests and sage can help keep pests away. It can also bring in pollinators and other beneficial insects. Although some claim that sage helps keep flea beetles away from your tomatoes, a study done at Newcastle University showed that sage did not reduce the damage from flea beetles to tomatoes (2).

Find Other Companion Plants for These Crops:

What Not To Plant With Sage

  • Basil
  • Chives
  • Cucumbers
  • Fennel
  • Garlic
  • Onions
  • Rue
  • Shallots

Chives, Garlic, Onions, and Shallots all require more moisture in the soil than sage does. The extra moisture can cause issues with growing sage.

Cucumbers can have their growth stunted by sage resulting in a lower harvest amount (3). In addition to stunted growth, it can also cause your cucumbers to have a bad taste.

Rue can inhibit the growth of sage, it is best to plant these two crops in separate areas of the garden.

Find Other Companion Plants for These Crops:

Frequently Asked Questions About Companion Plants For Sage

Is sage a good companion plant?

Sage is a great companion plant for many crops in the garden. It can help repel harmful insects and attract much-needed pollinators when it is allowed to flower. It is often used as a border to the crop area this way the roots are not disturbed during multiple harvests.

Are sage and rosemary good companion plants?

Yes, rosemary and sage are often planted together. Both herbs are perennials and have the same soil requirements. By combining these two aromatic herbs you can have a great combination to repel insects and other pests.

Can you plant lavender and sage together?

Yes, lavender and sage can be planted together. Both of these herbs are perennials and both prefer drier soil so they make great neighbors in a garden.

Can basil and sage be planted together?

No, basil and sage do not do well being planted together. Basil is an annual that prefers moist soil so these two herbs do not share the same environmental preferences when it comes to soil moisture.

Does sage come back every year?

Yes, sage is a perennial so it will keep growing back each year. When planting sage keep this in mind as you don’t want to be disturbing the root base during harvest or plant it in an area where you will be tilling.

Does sage plant spread?

Mediterranean sage is a species of sage that can be invasive and spread easily. If you do pick this particular species of sage it is best to keep it in a container as opposed to planting it directly in your garden.


  1. Franck, G. (1980). Companion Planting Successful Gardening the Organic Way.
  2. Selection of trap crop and companion plants for the management ofpest insects in field vegetables.
  3. (2020) Pollinator-attracting Companion Plantings Increase Crop Yield of Cucumbers and Habanero Peppers. American Society for Horticultural Science.
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