Philodendron Burle Marx Care Guide and Tips

The Philodendron Burle Marx is a tropical houseplant that is fast-growing and easy to care for. They have been used as ground cover outside in tropical-like environments but they are also a popular houseplant. With their exotic dark green leaves that give off jungle vibes, they can transform any space into having an exotic feel. In this plant care guide, we go over how to care for your Philodendron Burle Marx plant and give you tips on how you can help your Burle Marx thrive.

Philodendron Burle Marx Scientific Name

  • Philodendron imbe
  • Philodendron burle-marxii


The Philodendron Burle Marx is a Philodendron that comes from the tropical forests located in Northern Brazil, Colombia, and Ecuador. It is an epiphytic vine that climbs using its aerial roots up large trees in the forest.

Philodendron Burle Marx Care Guide

Philodendron Burle Marx Care

  • Grows mostly in the spring and summer, leaves can be 2 to 3 feet long.
  • Bright indirect light.
  • Ideal humidity 50% to 70%.
  • Ideal temperature 60 to 75 degrees F.
  • A chunky well draining soil is best.
  • Fertilize with a high nitrogen fertilizer in the spring and summer.
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Philodendron Burle Marx Size

The Burle Marx has elongated heart-shaped, glossy leaves and aerial roots along the main stem of the plant. The leaves have been known to get up to 2-3 feet long.

This is a climbing plant, they use their aerial roots to help it take hold in things like moss poles.

While many sites say these only grow to 2 feet tall, the plant, at least in its native environment, has been reported up to 5 meters in height. But most of the time when kept in a house they only grow up to a few feet tall.

Growth Rate

Many new owners wonder: “What is the growth rate of a Burle Marx Philodendron?” The Burle Marx can grow at a fast rate in its growing season, during the spring and summer.

The exact growth rate of the plant will depend on multiple factors. The brighter the light (minus direct sun), the correct water levels, the correct pot size, humidity, and fertilizer availability will all influence the growth rate.

To maximize the growth, try to keep ideal conditions for your plant.

If you want to control the growth doing things such as cutting back fertilizer or lowering the amount of light can help achieve this.

Philodendron Burle Marx Light Requirements

Just how much light does a Philodendron Burle Marx need? They do best in very bright areas that don’t have direct sun. Some will say they can grow well in low light areas, but most of the time the plant will struggle if it doesn’t get bright light.

If the only place you have to put your plant is where there is a lot of direct sun, try to filter the light with some sheer curtains. Getting too much direct sun can cause the leaves to burn and get discolored.

Philodendron Burle Marx Watering

It is best to test the moisture of the soil with your finger before you water your Burle Marx instead of trying to set a schedule. Once the soil feels dry in the first top 2 inches you want to water your plant. You can test this by sticking your finger in the dirt up to your second knuckle. Another option is to get a moisture meter, but using your finger is the best test for soil moisture levels.

Some people like to let their Burle Marx’s soil dry out before watering. But other people start having problems if they let the soil get too dry too often. Problems reported by some are edema, pests, and leaves starting to wilt and dry up. So to play it safe test the moisture of the soil and don’t let the plant go too long with dry soil.

In the spring and summer, the plants growing season, it will need watering more frequently. During the wintertime, the plant will not need as much water as it needs during the growing season.

Overwatering can lead to the soil remaining moist and problems will start to arise. Root rot is the most common problem to occur from overwatering. So it is essential to water your plant properly to avoid this.


The Burle Marx can adapt to different humidity well, but higher humidity levels are best for these plants.

Ideal humidity levels would be 50% to 70%, but can still grow well with lower levels. The main difference you will see is that the plant will need more water when in lower humidity and it might not have as many aerial roots. Higher humidity levels will allow you to water the plant less and will provide the best conditions for aerial roots to grow.


The best temperature range for a Burle Marx is between 60 degrees F to 75 degrees F.

Avoid letting the plant be in a place where the temperature goes below 50 degrees F. you will start to get damage to the plant if the temperatures drop this far.

Philodendron Burle Marx Soil

Drainage and aeration are key to the soil for a Philodendron Burle Marx. You want soil that has a lot of organic material. These plants are used to growing in a natural habitat that consists of leaves and bark on the forest floor.

Mixing your potting soil with 50% of perlite, charcoal, or bark is best to allow for the drainage and aeration that these plants need to thrive.


Liquid fertilizer that is high in nitrogen is best for the Burle Marx. Fertilize your plant during the growing seasons (spring and summer). Fertilize the plant once a month according to the directions on the fertilizer you choose.

Fertilizing the plant will increase the growth rate. If you don’t fertilize as often, that is ok to do, but remember this will slow the growth. This can be a tactic to use if you want to keep your Burle Marx a certain size.


The Burle Marx tends to need to be repotted more often than other houseplants. When you notice the root ball of the Philodendron Burle Marx starting to raise the plant out of its current pot it is time to repot the plant.

You want to pick out a larger pot that is a few inches bigger than its current pot and that has good drainage. Never put your plant in a pot that does not allow for drainage. This is a surefire way to get root rot.

Is The Philodendron Burle Marx Toxic to Pets?

Yes, the Philodendron Burle Marx is toxic to pets. According to the ASPCA all Philodendrons contain calcium oxalate crystals. Pets that chew or bite the plant can get irritation in their mouth and in their GI tract from the oxalate crystals. Rarely there can be swelling of the upper airway. If your pet ingests any of your Burle Marx call your veterinarian.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Philodendron Burle Marx?

Is the Philodendron Burle Marx rare?

No, the non-variegated Burle Marx is not that rare. However, the variegated Burle Marx is harder to find and has a heftier price tag. You can often find non-variegated ones in plant nurseries and sometimes at big box stores but the variegated ones will be a bit trickier to locate. One common place to find rare houseplants is Etsy.

Does the Burle Marx climb?

Yes, the Burle Marx Philodendron does climb. It produces aerial roots to help it climb up trees in its native environment. Many people who have one as a houseplant use wooden stakes or moss poles for their Philodendron to climb as it grows.

Does Philodendron Burle Marx need a moss pole?

No, you don’t have to use a moss pole if you do not want to. The moss pole is a good object to allow the plant to climb and put its roots in to get water, but you can also use a wooden stake or nothing at all and keep the Burle Marx more like a shrub rather than a climbing vine.

Is philodendron Burle Marx toxic to dogs?

Yes, the Bulre Marx, like all Philodendrons is toxic to pets, including dogs. Philodendrons contain oxalate crystals that cause irritation in the mouth and GI tract.

Is philodendron Burle Marx an indoor plant?

Yes, the Burle Marx can be an indoor plant. But it can also be an outdoor plant too if you are in a more tropical climate. Burle Marx’s are common to see in southern Florida landscaping.

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