Philodendron Prince of Orange Care Guide

The Philodendron Prince of Orange is a beautiful self-heading Philodendron with gorgeous orange leaves for new growth. It is known for its vibrant color and the beautiful shades that the leaves turn as they grow into mature green leaves. These plants stay compact compared to climbing Philodendrons and will be an eye-catching addition to any Philodendron collection. They are a lower-maintenance Philodendron, which can make them a great choice for newer plant collectors. In this care guide, we go over everything you need to know about Philodendron Prince of Orange care.

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Philodendron Prince of Orange Origin

The Philodendron Prince of Orange was discovered in Orlando, Florida during a program for philodendron hybridization. It was patented in 1988 by Howard Miller.

The Prince of Orange was the result of a seed from a Philodendron cannifolium that was crossed with a seed that was the result of crossing the Philodendron domesticum, Philodendron erubescens, Philodendron wendlandii and Philodendron imbe. Combining these Philodendrons gave a beautiful and compact Prince of Orange that is now available today.

Philodendron Prince of Orange Scientific Name:

  • Philodendron erubescens ‘Prince of Orange’

Philodendron Prince of Orange Common Names:

  • Prince of Orange Plant
  • Prince of Orange Philodendron
  • Prince of Orange Philo
  • Philodendron Prince of Orange

Is The Philodendron Prince of Orange Rare?

While it is not a common Philodendron to see in big box stores, the Prince of Orange is not a very rare plant. Since this plant has been around since the late 1980s there are plenty available through online sellers and individually owned plant shops.

Philodendron Prince of Orange care guide

Quick Overview of How to Care for a Philodendron Prince of Orange

  1. Watering: Allow the soil to dry out most of the way before watering.
  2. Light: Medium to bright indirect light.
  3. Soil: well-draining aroid soil mix.
  4. Temperature: between 60°F and 80°F.
  5. Humidity: above 40%.
  6. Fertilizer: half strength once a month in the spring and summer.
  7. Toxic to cats and dogs.

Watering Needs

Allow the soil to mostly dry out before watering your Prince of Orange Philo.

These plants can be very sensitive to overwatering and can easily get root rot from too much water sitting in the soil.

Philodendron Prince of Orange Light

Medium to bright indirect light will do well for these plants.

Bright indirect light is best for the Prince of Orange, it will help the plant stay more compact and also help keep the colors vibrant and longer lasting in new leaves.

If you notice that the orange color isn’t staying too long on the newer leaves or the plant is growing leggy move it to a brighter area.

Direct sunlight can cause leaves to get a bleached appearance, especially if it is the harsh afternoon sunlight. Morning or late evening sun will be ok. But if you start to notice bleached leaves or burnt leaves filter the sunlight or move the plant to a place it won’t be sitting in direct sun.


A well-draining aroid soil mix is best for the Prince of Orange Philodendron.

You can make your own aroid mix with equal parts potting soil, orchid bark, perlite, and worm castings. Or you can buy a premade mix specifically for aroids.


The Philodendron Prince of Orange can tolerate temperatures between 60°F and 80°F. They can go to temperatures up to 90°F but higher temperatures can cause the plant to lose color and have a dull appearance.

Keep your plant out of drafts, they don’t do well being next to vents from air conditioning or heaters.

Philodendron Prince of Orange Humidity

Humidity should stay above 40% with optimal humidity being between 50% and 60%.


During the spring and summer months, fertilize your Prince of Orange once a month with any all-purpose houseplant fertilizer at half strength.

If you have just repotted your Philodendron, skip a couple of months of fertilizing due to the plant food in most soil mixes.

Prince of Orange Growth Rate and Size

The Prince of Orange Philodendron can grow up to almost 2 feet tall and 3 feet wide.

The growth rate will depend on the conditions the plant is in. For faster growth rate keep the plant in brightly lit areas and fertilize it in the spring and summer. It should reach the size above in about 1 year with the right environment.


The Philodendron Prince of Orange is toxic to both cats and dogs. They contain oxalates which are released when the plant is chewed on. These can cause severe GI upset.

Common Problems

Dust on Leaves

Due to the large thick leaves of these plants, they can easily accumulate dust on them. It is best to set a schedule to wipe down the leaves of your Prince of Orange to keep dust from building up. A good way to make sure this is done is to wipe it down with a damp cloth each time you water your plant.

Spider Mites

Spider mites can be an issue for some Prince of Orange owners. Inspect your plant’s leaves on the undersides each time you wipe down the leaves to make sure that there aren’t any webs appearing.

Low humidity is the most common contributing factor to spider mites. Increase your humidity and spray the plant with some Neem oil if you notice spider mites on your Philo.

Drooping Prince of Orange

If your plant is drooping even though there is still moisture in the soil this is often a sign that the plant is overwatered. Allow the soil to dry out before watering it again.

It is also a good idea to check the roots if it is drooping because root rot could have set in. If this is the case you will need to repot your plant and clean as much soil away from the roots as possible, remove any damaged or blackened roots then replace the soil or use leca to try to rehab the plant.

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