When it comes to the Philodendron Triple Crown there can be some confusion about what plant is which cultivar. The Triple Crown consists of three types of Philodendrons: Philodendron White Princess, Philodendron White Knight, and the Philodendron White Wizard. There are many similarities among these three Philos, but there are a few distinct differences that can make it easy to determine what type of Philodendron you have. In this article, we go over the differences between the Philodendron White Princess and the Philodendron White Knight.
Philodendron White Princess vs White Knight
Sometimes people think that they are both the same plant. But the Philodendron White Princess is not the same plant as the White Knight. There are a few visual differences that can make it easy to tell the two apart.
Difference in Stem Color
The main characteristic that makes it easy to tell them apart is the stems of the plants. The Philodendron White Princess is a climbing Philodendron that has green stems with some red/pink edges and white on the cataphyll.
The Philodendron White Knight has much more colors on its stems, and it is also a climbing plant. The stems of a White Knight are mostly a burgundy/dark purple color with white edges.
Differences in Variegation
The variegation on a White Princess is a bit different that on a White Knight.
The White Princess tends to have a more splattered look to the white variegation and it also will also have different shades of green for variegation instead of only white.
The White Knight has a more patchy variegation of white. While it will still have bits of splattered looking variegation, it is not as much as the White Princess, and there are larger patches of white variegation.
Leaf Shape
The Philodendron White Princess has longer and more narrow leaves than a White Knight. The White Knight’s leaves have a more rounded shape as you can see in the pictures above.