Popular Trailing Houseplants

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Trailing houseplants help make a space feel warm and inviting. Not to mention the help it lends to making a room Instagram-worthy.

With houseplants becoming more and more popular, you might have notices vining plants hanging on walls and shelves in pictures of cozy-looking rooms. And there are actually quite a few trailing plants that can be used to achieve the look of trained vines hanging out on your walls or spilling out of their pots in windows.

Two of the most popular houseplants that produce vines that you can train are the Pothos and the Philodendron. There are also others like String of Pearls and Rope Hoyas. Read on below to find out what other trailing houseplants you can add to your home and get some great-looking vines growing.

Popular Trailing Houseplants
Pothos vines growing down bookcase.
Pothos vines growing down bookcase. Photo by  Pablo Nidam  on  Scopio

Trailing Houseplants for Low Light

  • Jade Pothos
  • Mistletoe Cactus
  • Heartleaf Philodendron

Trailing Houseplants for Medium Light

Trailing Houseplants for Bright Light

  • Marble Queen Pothos
  • Spider Plant
  • String of Pearls
  • Burro’s Tail
  • Rope Hoya
  • String of Hearts
  • Creeping Fig

Pothos (Devil’s Ivy)

Marble Queen Pothos Plant
Marble Queen Pothos

There are multiple varieties of Pothos plants available to choose from when picking out one of these trailing plants.

Depending on which type of Pothos you get will determine the light levels that the plant will need. The highly variegated varieties need brighter light, while the non-variegated Pothos can be in a low light space.

They are an easy to care for plant that is great for beginners or those who think they aren’t good at keeping houseplants alive.

Other Pothos Articles:

Pothos Care Guide: How To Take Care of A Pothos Plant
How to Propagate Pothos Plants in Water from Cuttings
Why Is My Marble Queen Pothos Losing Variegation?
Are Pearls and Jade Pothos Slow Growing Plants?
Is The N’Joy Pothos Slow Growing?

Heartleaf Philodendron

Heartleaf Philodendron
Heartleaf Philodendron. Photo courtesy of
Severin Candrian via Unsplash.

The Heartleaf Philodendron can tolerate just about any light level.

They are fast-growing and are easily trained to climb if you would rather the vines not hang down. And these are one of the top most popular trailing houseplants. You see these often in offices because of their tolerance to just about anything you can throw at them.

They are easy to grow and easy to take care of.

Spider Plant

Spider Plant
Trailing Indoor Plant: Spider Plant

Spider plants are another popular plant you have probably seen in many places.

They prefer bright indirect light and well-draining soil.

These plants are another one that is great for new plant owners. They can tolerate many conditions. The only thing to make sure you do is not to allow it to sit in soggy soil.

They like to be root bound so you will not have to repot this plant as often as others.

The Spider plant can grow 2 to 3 feet in length when in a hanging basket.

String of Pearls

String of Pearls: Trailing Houseplant
String of Pearls: Trailing Houseplant

These unique succulents grow best in bright indirect light. You do not want to place them in an area where they get direct sunlight most of the day. A few hours of morning sun is ok.

Many people find String of Pearls difficult to grow. But the majority of the issues stem from overwatering.

Water your String of Pearls once every two weeks in the spring and summer and cut back to once a month in the winter.

Soil drainage is the most important factor for String of Pearls plants. Use a succulent soil mix and make sure to use a pot that allows for ample drainage.

The vines of a String of Pearls are not able to be trained very well so it is best for this trailing houseplant to just let the vines hang and spill out from the plant’s pot.

They are toxic to animals, so keep them in an area that your pets can’t reach the vines.

Mistletoe Cactus

Mistletoe Cactus
Mistletoe Cactus

This trailing cactus can grow well in low or medium-light areas. It can also grow well if you are using artificial grow lights.

Even though this is a cactus it actually comes from tropical rainforests. Even though it does come from tropical areas when watering Mistletoe Cactus make sure that the potting mix is able to dry out before watering it again.

When grown indoors the long trailing stems can grow up to 15 feet long.

Burro’s Tail

Unusual looking trailing indoor plant: Burro's Tail
Unusual looking trailing indoor plant: Burro’s Tail

Burro’s Tail (Sedum morganianum) is another unique looking trailing succulent that looks great in any house.

They enjoy brightly lit areas and can tolerate direct sunlight when inside.

Unlike other succulent plants, Burro’s tail needs more moisture and water. But you do not want to overwater this plant because it can lead to rot. Usually, they need water about every two weeks. Check the soil the plant is in often, once the top inch has dried out it is time to water it again.

This plant produces long and thick stems that can grow up to two feet long.

Burro’s Tail plants can be a bit messy when they drop their leaves. So when placing this inside it’s best not to put it in a high traffic area.

Rope Hoya

Hoya carnosa 'Compacta' aka Rope Hoya
Hoya carnosa ‘Compacta’ aka Rope Hoya

Rope Hoyas have deep green and glossy leaves that curl and twist, making this a very unique-looking trailing houseplant.

They are easy to care for and have watering needs close to what a succulent has. The main thing that requires work with this plant is getting the dust off the leaves.

They like bright indirect light.

Rop Hoyas are not toxic to pets.

How to Care for a Hindu Rope Plant

English Ivy

Trailing Houseplant: English Ivy
Trailing Houseplant: English Ivy

English Ivy likes to have bright or medium light.

This is the plant that you commonly see climbing up buildings. So you can train it to climb if you would like. Or let the vines hang down flowing out of its pot.

English Ivy does not tolerate over-watering well. Always make sure the top few inches of the soil has thoroughly dried out before watering the plant.

Creeping Fig

Creeping Fig
Creeping Fig

A member of the Ficus family, Creeping Fig is a beautiful plant that has long vines spilling out of its container.

The vines of this plant can either be trained to climb or left hanging out of the pot.

These plants prefer brightly lit areas but do not do well with direct sunlight.

Creeping Fig is not a picky plant when it comes to soil. Its main requirement for soil is that it is well-draining.

They do prefer a watering schedule that keeps the soil evenly moist, but they do not respond well to sitting in water or soggy soil.

These are a great plant for a kitchen, as they prefer above-average humidity levels.

String of Hearts

String of Hearts Houseplant a Unique Trailing Houseplant
The String of Hearts Houseplant a Unique Trailing Houseplant

String of Hearts is another very unique and unusual-looking trailing houseplant. Just like the name the leaves look like little hearts hanging from the string.

These plants grow fast but are easy to maintain and care for.

They grow best in bright indirect light with no direct sunlight.

Watering them is required once the soil has dried out.

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