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Having fresh blueberries from the garden is so much better than having store-bought blueberries. But if you are like many gardeners you might be strapped for space in your garden. Companion planting can help with saving space in the garden and can help with insects that can harm or benefit your crops. In this article, we go over what are good companion plants for blueberries and what not to plant with blueberries.
Blueberries grow as a shrub, so companion planting is not quite the same with blueberries as it is with other vegetable crops. How big the shrub grows will depend on the variety. They also can live up to 30 years and sometimes even more, so with most companion plants for blueberries you will want other perennials.
When planting your blueberry shrubs it is best to plant them with other plants that like acidic soil as they prefer low pH levels. Sometimes this will involve you having to make a special soil.
Cover Crops For Blueberry Companion Plants
Cover crops can be used to help prep the area where you are planning to plant your blueberry shrubs. To do this you grow the cover crop and then plow it under before you plant your blueberries.
The most common cover crops for blueberries are grasses and grains. When using grasses and grains as a cover crop for blueberries you will want to grow them the year before you plan on planting the blueberry shrub. Plow the cover crop in the fall, then plant the blueberries the next spring.
Good Companion Plants for Blueberries
- Azaleas
- Basil
- Bee Blam
- Cranberries
- Dogwoods
- Evergreen Trees
- Ferns
- Holly
- Hydrangea
- Junipers
- Lilacs
- Mountain Laurel
- Rhododendron
- Strawberries
- Thyme
- White Clover
- Yarrow
Basil and Thyme can tolerate acidic soil. And once these flowers they can attract pollinators.
Companion Plants for Basil
Companion Plants for Thyme
Cranberries make a good companion for blueberry shrubs. They have similar soil requirements.
Evergreen Trees: Trees like fir, juniper, pin, and spruce make good companions for blueberry shrubs. Both like acidic soil and the evergreens can provide shade to the blueberries during the hot summer months.
Ferns look great and are good companion plants for blueberries, especially if you already have evergreen trees as companions.
Lilacs can help bring pollinators to the garden and can also provide shade from the hot afternoon sun.
Azaleas and Rhododendrons like the same acidic soil as blueberries. You get the added bonus of these shrubs providing some shade to the roots of the blueberry shrubs, the summer heat tends to be harsh on the blueberry shrub roots.
Strawberries make a good companion plant for blueberries. Both like acidic soil and both are perennial. This means there would not be much damage to the root system of your blueberry shrub.
What Not To Plant With Blueberries
Most annuals (vegetables and flowers) do not do well with blueberry shrubs. This is due to the damage that can be done to the blueberry shrub’s roots during annual planting and harvesting and the fact that most vegetables do not tolerate acidic soil well.
Frequently Asked Questions About Companion Plants For Blueberries
Tomatoes and Blueberries do not make good companion plants. Blueberry shrubs have shallow roots that can easily be damaged. Due to tomatoes having to be planted annually this could lead to root damage for your blueberry shrub. The soil pH is another factor in why you should not plant tomatoes and blueberry shrubs together. Tomatoes do not like as acidic of soil as blueberry bushes need.
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